The story is enough.

The story is enough.

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Hole Story of Kirby the Sneak and Arlo the True by Greg Williamson

Greg Williamson has written a book-length poem in fantastic couplets.  At first glance, one might assume this is a book for children - the wonderful title for starters...  But all it takes is a one-minute-read and it becomes clear that this book is for intelligent adults wishing to find the joy and pleasure they found as a child, reading Dr. Seuss, Bill Peet, and Lewis Carroll.  

Under the covers of this book is found the story of a dog, Kirby the Sneak, stealing the beloved hole, belonging to Arlo the True.  With quick and clever rhymes, masterful plot woven through astute poetry, and intelligent humor, Mr. Williamson is reminiscent of a bard, with talent that is rare and wise.  With imaginative illustrations by Brian Bowes, the story of the dogs and the hole, can be thoroughly enjoyed by a younger audience, especially if held and read to by their favorite adult bedtime story-reader.  The sounds alone are enchanting.

I enjoyed myself - chuckling and laughing out loud until page 54.  It was then that I became tired of reading a very long poem and I lost interest in the direction the book was headed.  I finally put the book down by page 68.  This is not a reflection on the book or Mr. Williamson, as far as I am concerned, but about myself as a reader.  I needed to invest more time and mental effort to continue the book, and I chose not to. The joy I received in reading as much as I did still makes it quite easy to praise this book.

Photo credit:,204,203,200_.jpg

I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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